Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bathtub Assembly Line

Perhaps that sounds like a place that assembles bath tubs.. one makes the huge tub, the next cuts the holes for the drain/faucet etc, polish and shine etc...

For those of you who have more than one or two kids, it has an entirely different meaning, much like it does at our house!

Tonight: dinner goes in the oven, set time for 30 minutes. Run down the hall, start filling tub, undress #4 and plop her in. The other kids have now heard the water and are stripping in the hallway. #1 jumps in, with #4, #2 and #3 are queued up in the hall. #1 gets scrubbed, hair washed, rinsed, out to dry off, pj's, mean time, #3 jumps in, same as #1, # 3 gets out, #4 jumps in, same as #1 except he gets soap in his eyes for not waiting for me to start the faucet to rinse his hair. Out with #3, scrub/rinse #4 while the water goes out, rinse tub, rinse #4, out with #4, diaper, diaper cream for blazing red butt (from what????) pj's, done! Run down the hall, 9 minutes left on dinner time!

It is a science people, only the experienced and determined can ever perfect it!

Because some nights I just don't want to do it this way:


Andrea said...

I hope the skills to do that comes with the territory of having more kids, because right now it's a struggle to bathe one baby!

Our life is a bowl of Barry's said...

Very funny description! Love it! Eric still likes to get in the tub when there's time, but G and J are shower only kids. Yet another right of!