Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our Weekend

Nothing overly exciting happened this weekend. We had one major milestone, a day long of play, Millie's first movie on Sunday and first aid in the desert Sunday evening.

Let me start with the major milestone. Harrison, our oldest, is 7 1/2 years old. Perhaps we are a bit over protective, but he has not had an overnight at some one's house yet. He did sleep over at Nana's house once, and then last summer went to Virginia with Nana to visit Aunt Alix and Uncle Mark, but that was all family, so not the same! This Friday night he crossed the bridge! The year before I had Millie I was babysitting my friend's two kidlets when she returned to work. Her oldest is two months older than Harrison and they are pretty good buddies. Well, lately I have been watching her kids again on Saturdays and the boys started scheming. We decided to let them have an overnight, at their house, and she would just bring Harrison home when she dropped her two off the next morning. The report was good, everyone made it through the night and the boys were tired but not too bad the next day. Wow, I almost think it was harder on Mommy and Daddy than on Harrison!

Saturday I had my friend's kids all day. Her boy, as I just said, is the same age as Harrison and her little girl is 9 months younger than Nick and Abby. Abby loves having Alex over, gives her a girly playmate for the day! Nick gets a bit lost in the shuffle though. The big boys push him away and he really doesn't want to play with the girls, at least not when the big boys are around because they might make fun of him, any other time and he would be fine with the girls! Saturday night, after those two went home, we took the kids to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner, yum!

Sunday Tom needed some study time and some rest time since he has a cold. My mom and I took the kids with us to run some errands. I needed to head to Trader Joe's to get some coffee and then we stopped at Dion's for some lunch. We took in a movie at the dollar theater: Bolt, very cute! The pigeon's were the best! Millie did alright, I was a bit surprised actually at how well she did. Mom and I basically book ended the kids into the row of seats, with about 6 seats between us. Millie just went back and forth between her Nana and Mommy, snacking on cookies, drinking water, talking about the "Buppy!" on the big screen! On the drive home, Nick and Abby fought over who would get the DVD for Christmas, they mutually agreed that Nick would give one to Abby and Abby would give one to Nick. I guess we'll just have two copies of the same movie, as long as they both get what they want! :)

After returning home, I decided to get some fresh air and exercise and take Elbert for a romp in the desert behind our house. He is our only dog that I trust off leash and he loves to run around and sniff, comes racing back every time I call him back. So, Abby ended up tagging along. We followed a trail out to the dirt road behind our house and decided instead of following the dirt road or heading back, we would be adventurous and just make our way through the desert. Well, Elbert caught a scent and followed it right into a big cholla cactus! Those things drop clusters of thorns, long thorns, all around on the ground. Poor Elbert had thorns in all four paws, up his legs and on other parts of his body from brushing up against the cactus. Abby and I helped him get most out, as many as we could. She was quite a trooper actually, they HURT as I pulled them out, because being clusters of prickers, the puller gets pricked as well, but Abby didn't seem to mind that she was getting hurt, she just wanted to fix poor Elbert. He hobbled home with a few single prickers in the pads of his feet. He *hates* to have his feet touched, it is the only time he has a negative opinion about anything! I tried to get the rest out and to feel around for any stragglers. He is still pulling when I try to feel the last foot, but I think the others are cleaned out. Poor dog! Next time we'll follow the dirt road or just drive to the dog park!