Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Good Grief!

I got an email today, asking me when I would be posting new pictures on my blog, so I sighed and decided that I better get back into it! I better pop up a new 'tab' on my browser and put Facebook aside for a little bit!

I am shocked to see that it has been well over a month since I blogged anything. So, I will go back through my old pictures and update, over the next few days, what we have been doing in my lazy down time!

It has been a busy five or so weeks, we have had a major holiday (Easter!) and three birthdays, a birthday party for the three lucky kids, been babysitting my friend's two kids a few days a week, running and attempting to keep up with day to day life in a family of six! Believe it or not, I did actually find time to read a book, I have missed reading and decided to force myself to get back into it. So, I read 7th Heaven by James Patterson. I love that series! It came out a while ago and I rushed to Sam's to buy it, only to declare myself too busy or too tired to read it. I saw an ad on Facebook to download the 8th in the series, so I needed to hurry and read the 7th! Now I am left hanging, wanting a new book to fill the void, but ultimately *needing* to know what happens to the characters in the upcoming book! Hurry Mr Patterson!

Ok, starting tomorrow, I'll post a catch up post! Don't hold your breath though, you might fall over and crack your head on something ;)


Andrea said...

I've definitely noticed my posts slowing down too, it happens to the best of us. :)