Harrison's Tiger den had one more "go see it" to complete before getting their Tiger patch at the Blue and Gold in two weeks. The 'go see it' has to teach the boys something about communication. I guess they looked into a tour of the Abq Journal, but the boys were too young, same with the tv stations etc. So, I called up some old contacts from my days as working Mom, and set up a tour of Starline Printing. The boys got an introduction to the printing process, got to see some of the many types of media that is printed at Starline and got some cool goodies to take home!
The tour begins....
Mr. Dan showing the boys a metal plate with the images burned on it, he explained that they do one plate per color and use oil and water to get the ink to print onto the paper. One boy asked "If you make the metal plates here, do you also make paper plates?" Wrong kind of plates kiddo!
On to the HUGE printer....
The boys standing by three stacked rolls of paper
Clearly no one was expecting a gaggle of 7 year old boys to parade through the building when they left for the weekend!
Thanks Mr. Dan for giving us your Saturday morning and thanks Mr. Lang for helping make this happen!
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