Friday, February 27, 2009


I remember as a child, we used to "give up" something for lent. I never fully understood why adn we never really stuck with it consistantly. This year I am trying hard to help my kids understand the sacrifice and directing that time and energy otherwise spent on the activity to God. Last year the kids and I "gave up" fast food as it had become a real convenience. This year we are doing the same even though we only really eat out/fast food once a week if even that (not counting my drive thru to get a Coke to feed my habit) So, this year we are giving up fast food, even for my Cokes! The kids seem to have a grasp on the idea, just last night Nick asked if he and I could stop while we are out on our "date" and I reminded him why and what it meant. So, this morning we picked my mom up at work and he said "I know we can't go to McDonalds yet, because God loves us" Then Abby chimed in with her explanation.

I have also given up computer time during the day, from 9am to 7pm. Yes, I am blogging right now and it is 11:53am, but I can justify (can't any addict justify a relapse?) My main problem during the day with the computer is the five minutes here and there that turn into 30. The "oh, I'll check my email real quick" or "I just finished laundry so I'll check facebook for a minute" Now that my computer time is limited to just the evenings, in which I am sharing it with Tom and also wanting to see my couple tv shows, I haven't taken time to update my blog lately and it is a good method for keeping friends and family current on the happenings of our crazy family! Thus I am justifying my blogging!


Andrea said...

I'm trying to do the same thing for lent. I am limiting my computer time to one nap time instead of all the time throughout the entire day. It's actually working out so that I just get up early and spend a couple of hours on the computer before Michaela even wakes up, then leave the computer alone all day. :)